Policies and Procedures

Article I: Name

The Name of the organization shall be the North Kingstown Arts Council (Hereinafter referred to as the Arts Council) created by the North Kingstown Town Council in 1983.

Article II: Mission

The mission of the Arts Council is:

  1. To support, encourage and support the performing and visual arts while developing public awareness and interest in various art forms.
  2. To promote the appreciation of the history and heritage of North Kingstown and its ethnic diversities through artistic endeavors.
  3. To integrate the arts throughout our community offering opportunity to all who want to take part.

The Arts Council seeks to meet this mission through:

  1. Developing and carrying out arts projects.
  2. Providing funding and other support for artists and residents.
  3. Seeking or suggesting new projects.

We are open to any and all suggestions from residents of North Kingstown.

Article III: Memberships and Committees

The Arts Council shall have a membership of thirteen (13) voting members selected from the North Kingstown community at large and are appointed by the North Kingstown Town Council to two year staggered terms.

  1. Membership of the Arts Council
    1. Filing Application for Membership. The Town Clerk shall advertise twice in the local newspaper that the Arts Council will have vacancies for an upcoming appointment(s) prior to the announced appointment date at a Town Council meeting. The deadline for filing an application shall be 12:00 noon on the Wednesday prior to the regular Town Council meeting in the month of the appointment.
    2. Reappointment Notices. The Town Clerk shall notify individuals whose terms are about to expire, by letter, to determine if the individual wished to be considered for reappointment.
    3. Application for Appointment. Upon receipt of applications, the Town Clerk shall retain the originals and distribute a copy of each application to all members of the Town Council.
    4. Applications are retained for one year. Applications for appointment shall remain on file for a period of one (1) year from the date received and may be considered for vacancies that occur within that period.
  2. Officers, Committees and Liaisons
    1. Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.
    2. Standing and Special Committees.
    3. Project Liaisons – members who volunteer to represent one or more art projects authorized by the Arts Council and who report to the Arts Council on its progress.

Article IV: Meetings

The Arts Council meets on of the second Wednesday of every month. The meetings are held at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall conference room unless otherwise announced in advance. Members must be present in order to vote on matters that come before the Arts Council. In accordance with state ruling, notice of the meeting must be electronically filed with the Office of the Secretary of State.

  1. General Polices of the Town Council that apply to the Arts Council
    1. The Chair of the Arts Council shall submit a report of its activities and an attendance record to the Town Council on a quarterly basis.
    2. Any member who is absent without excuse for three (3) during the year may be subject to removal by the Town Council.
    3. The Arts Council encourages broad public participation in its meetings. At the invitation of the Chair, visitors may be asked to speak.
    4. Town Council members who serve on any commission, committee, or board by virtue of the office shall serve in such meetings as an ex-officio member only.
  2. Emergency meetings may be called by the Chair or by three (3) members with legal notice to all members. In accordance with state ruling, notice of the meeting must be electronically filed with the Office of the Secretary of State.
  3. Quorum. A quorum shall consist of a majority only. See Charter section 415(3).
  4. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern parliamentary procedure at all meetings. Rules may be suspended by two-thirds affirmative vote of those present.

Article V: Finance

The Arts Council is to provide oversight to revenues received from all sources including grants, gifts, donations, event collections, sponsors and other sources; and the disbursement of revenues as approved by the Arts Council.

  1. Receiving Revenues and Contracts
    1. Contracts. The Arts Council may authorize any member to enter into any contract on behalf of the Arts Council. Such authority shall be general or confined as needed to facilitate specific instances.
    2. Project Revenues. Revenues shall be directed to the Recreation and Leisure Services Department for record keeping and deposit.
  2. Expenditures
    1. All project expenditures must be approved by the Arts Council through a Project Proposal and the assignment of a project number.
    2. Exceptions to the rule may be made at the discretion of the Chair or designee if time precludes the Arts Council approval. An amendment to the Project Proposal must be presented for approval at the next regularly scheduled Arts Council meeting.

Article VI: Officers, Organization and Elections

  1. Duties of Officers
    1. Chair or designee
      1. Coordinate the activities of the Council with the officials of the Town.
      2. Conduct regular and special meetings.
      3. Oversee all activities of the Arts Council.
      4. Provide an up-to-date Policies and Procedures package to new members.
      5. Participate in meetings of all committees when appropriate.
      6. Chair will call on the Vice-Chair to fill in for meetings and duties as Chair in case of absence or inability to perform duties.
      7. Provide financial coordination and monitor Project Proposals and Final Funding reports using project codes.
      8. Coordinate with the Town’s Recreation and Leisure Activities Liaison to the Arts Council for all financial and administrative matters.
    2. Vice Chair
      1. Assume all duties of the Chair if they are not able to attend or perform their duties.
      2. Assist the Chair in performance of all duties.
    3. Secretary
      1. Take and maintain minutes and attendance for all regular and special meeting.
      2. Forward minutes to the town on a monthly basis.
      3. Be responsible for necessary correspondence.
  2. Elections
    1. Within one (1) month after the appointment or reappointment of a member of a commission, committee or board, its members shall elect a member as Chair and elect a member as Vice Chair and elect a member or non-member as secretary. The results of such election shall be reported to the Town Clerk within one (1) week of its taking place and the officers so elected shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.
    2. Members ex-officio shall not be entitled to vote.
    3. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the appointed members.

Article VII: Revisions to Procedures

All revisions and additions to these Policies and Procedures shall be placed on the monthly meeting agenda, discussed at that meeting, and voted on at the following meeting.

Draft 10/10/2007
Corrections adopted 11/14/2007
Revised draft 12/11/13