Arts Council Liaison Duties

NK Arts Council Liaison Duties 

Once a project is approved at a meeting and you are the appointed liaison please do the following:  

  • Reach out to the applicant to let them know they have been approved, for what dollar amount, their project number, and your contact information.
  • If they want to invite the public to this event, the liaison should send the rec department a blurb or flier to help promote. That email is:
  • Send this info to the council member that is in charge of the newsletter
  • Send this info to the council member in charge of the website/facebook
  • Ask the applicant to fill out and return the “NK Arts Council Payment Request Form
  • Ask the applicant to send you their/association W9
  • Let the applicant know there are helpful resources on the Arts Council website under “Planning Your Event”. Such as Advertising and PR opportunities.
  • Once you have the Payment Request Form and the W9, either email the documents to the rec department or bring a hard copy to the rec department.

Final Funding: 
After the event has taken place:

  • Direct the applicant to the website to download and complete the Final Funding Report Form. This can be found on the NK Arts Council website under “Planning your event -> Forms -> Final Funding Report.
  • The applicant should fill out the form and return it to the liaison. Liaison should send it to the rec secretary.

These steps must be completed for every project. There have been too many duplicate or wrong payments due to lack of procedure